Grandma’s recipes
Grandma’s recipes is a performance-dinner with life-stories of the family of two exile artists - Prokhor Gusev and Gulnara Iskakova, where the food become an universal language to share the life experience and make a research of tastes in the connection to the memories, past and fate.
photo album
photos by Jamie Michael Bivard
A performance-dinner where Russian exile artists Gulnara Iskakova and Prokhor Gusev brings you along a journey from home to a new home. This is a meeting between cultures where you feel like you are part of the family dinner - from the making to the dining.
Artists explore the food and food habits as a part of their roots and try to understand how this part of life had changed after forced departure from home.
funded by: Barents Secretariat
supported by: Davvi - senter for scenekunst, RadVent, RÃ¥dstua Teaterhus